This interactive workshop led in French by Oulimata Gueye’will focus on the issues of gender, race and social justice in Afrofuturism and Afrocyberf...
Africa & New Technologies | Oulimata Gueye – Round table discussion
This roundtable at Georgia Tech will focus on Oulimata Gueye’s project Non-Aligned Utopias with scholars working on Afrofuturism and African history...
Africa & New Technologies | Oulimata Gueye – Digital Imaginaries in Africa
At Duke University, Oulimata Gueye will present Digital Imaginaries, a joint project of the media art center Kër Thiossane (Senegal), the Wits Art Mu...
Picturing Africa | A Conversation with Photographer Omar Victor Diop
Senegalese photographer Omar Diop breaks the mold of traditional photography and conveys a universally relevant message through his images; Diop fasci...