French students learn about practical uses for the language when NGOs visit

Published in the Galloway Gazette Nov. 12, 2015
Volume V, Issue XI

French classes in both ML and UL recently welcomed visitors who discussed (in English or French depending on the class level) how they use the French language in their careers.
This exchange was made possible as part of the education series in this year’s France-Atlanta, a program of the French Consulate General in Atlanta promoting French culture and connections.
The ML and UL French classes heard from two representatives of humanitarian agencies — Mr. Rick Perera of CARE spoke about his work in Haiti after the earthquake there, and Mr. Jean-Pierre Leslie spoke about his experiences in the Peace Corps in West Africa.
One student remarked, “It inspires me so much to think about how speaking French can really change my opportunities and open doors for me — and my French doesn’t have to be perfect to just take that step to communicate.”
Accessed November 13, 2015 at